Frankincense in Dhofar, Oman

Frankincense is the most important product grown in Dhofar and I would like to highlight two wonderful women who are running their own companies which sell products made from Frankincense resin: Trygve Harris (a dear friend and founder of Enfleurage) and Atheer Tabook (founder of Lubaniah).

The Enfleurage website [] has beautiful photos of the trees and resin, along with a lot of information about the beauties and uses of frankincense:

Atheer Tabook is a 25-year-old Omani girl who has founded her own home business, Lubaniah, that makes natural wellness products. She has combined traditional Dhofari frankincense with the knowledge gained through her university studies to produce soap.”    [from “Working from Home? You’re not Alone,” Times of Oman, May 12, 2018]


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