Images about Keeping Safe in Oman: Coivd-19 and Rain Storm

A small collection of images highlighting the Omani government’s efforts to keep citizens and residents safe with frequent and clear messages about Covid 19 and the weather, with a few photos of the effects of the recent rain storm.

Part of my reason for posting is to celebrate these graphic designers whose work conveys vital information in an easy-to-understand manner to people who live in Oman, some who do not speak Arabic. For example, the image about buying animals on-line (not in-person at markets) is clear and the animals are so cute, they attract you to look at them! Another good example is the image from Al Buraimi which has a lot of data carefully laid out so that the reader can understand quickly.

A second reason it that images like this are now seen everyday on social media, but they are ephemeral. I hope the virus will disappear soon and then these type of postings will also disappear. I think it’s important to consider (and remember in the future) how the virus is being fought not just by issuing rules and regulations, but educating, supporting and warning.

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